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Trees Under $30

A bonsai forest setting will brighten any room, and will make a great conversation piece. A well placed bonsai will become a focal point in the room, giving the room a more peaceful feeling. The tranquility of a bonsai tree will bring a calming effect, a great way to wind down after a hard day, or give a quiet moment of meditation before bedtime.

Brazilian Raintree (pithecellobium tortum)

Brazilian Raintree  (pithecellobium tortum)

Dwarf Flowering Jasmine - Yellow (jasminum 'parkeri')

Dwarf Flowering Jasmine - Yellow (jasminum 'parkeri')

Willow Leaf Ficus
                                    (ficus nerifolia/salicafolia)

Willow Leaf Ficus (ficus nerifolia/salicafolia)

Also known as Mexicana Ficus. Elongated, light green leaves have a striking resemblance to the popular Weeping Willow tree. This tree does particularly well indoors. 5-15 years old - 7 tree group. 19"x15"x13". Potted in a 14" brown ceramic oval container as shown. Suitable 14.5"x10.5" humidity tray is recommended. To purchase add $11.95 (50% off regular price with tree order). Shipped via UPS ground - $49.95

Green Island Ficus
                                    (Large) (Ficus Microcarpa)

Green Island Ficus (Large) (Ficus Microcarpa)

Informal upright with shiny dark green leaves which are thicker than the standard ficus leaf but thinner than a Jade leaf. Develops a thick trunk and aerial roots at a relatively early age. Very easy indoor care. One of our favorites. 12 years old 12" tall Suitable 8" x 10" humidity tray is recommended. To purchase add $4.95 (50% off regular price with tree order). Shipped via UPS 2-3 days - 19.95.