Concord CA Bonsai Trees Bonsais Nursery Tree Gifts Plants Houseplants Sale Buy Bonsai Growth Care

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Trees Under $30

A bonsai tree forest grouping will brighten any room, and will make a great conversation piece. A well placed bonsai will become a focal point in the room, giving the entire room a more relaxed feeling. The tranquility of a bonsai will bring a calming effect, a great way to wind down after a long day, or give a quiet moment of meditation before bedtime.

Podocarpus (podocarpus macrophyllus)

Podocarpus (podocarpus macrophyllus)

Pyracantha Firethorn
                                    - Exposed Roots (Coccinea ôLalandiiö)

Pyracantha Firethorn - Exposed Roots (Coccinea ôLalandiiö)

The Pyracantha is an Asian evergreen which is also called Firethorn. It has an abundance of white blossoms in spring and is loaded with beautiful orange-red berries on spurs along the wood of the previous yearÆs growth in autumn. The berries are often used in wreathes and centerpieces, as most berries last until late winter. Keep outdoors. 15 years old 12" - 14" tall Suitable 8" x 10" humidity tray is recommended. To purchase add $4.95 (50% off regular price with tree order) Shipped via UPS 2-3 days - $14.95.

Chinese Elm-Extra
                                    Large (Ulmus Parvifolia)

Chinese Elm-Extra Large (Ulmus Parvifolia)

Has small evergreen leaves which remain on the tree year-round. They are hardy with excellent branching characteristics. Has a twisted trunk and some exposed roots which give the appearance of great age. Easy indoor care. 14 years old 13" - 14" tall Suitable 10 1/2" x 14 1/2" humidity tray is recommended. . To purchase add $11.00 (50% off regular price with your tree order.) Shipped UPS 2-3 days - $14.95.