Huntington Beach Bonsai Trees Gardening Bonsais Indoor Plants Tree Nursery

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A classic bonsai tree will brighten any room, and will make a great conversation piece. A well placed bonsai will become a focal point, giving the entire room a more relaxed casual feeling. The tranquility of a bonsai tree will bring a calming effect, a great way to wind down after a hard day, or give a quiet moment of meditation before bedtime.

Juniper Tree - 10" (Juniper Procumbens "nana")

Juniper Tree - 10

Brazilian Raintree
                                    - 18

Brazilian Raintree - 18"x14"x22" (pithecellobium tortum)

This hardwood tree is native to Brazil and its rainforests. The raintree has delicate branches and tiny light-green compound leaves and is spiny. The leaves fold up at night or in subdued light and wakes up when we do. Easy indoor care. 23 years old. 18"x14"x22" tall. Potted in a ceramic blue 10" container as shown. Suitable 10"x14" humidity tray is recommended. To purchase add $11.95 (50% off regular price with tree order). Shipped via UPS ground - $49.95.

Dwarf Golden Sawara Cypress-31"x28"x31" (chamaecyparis pisifera aurea compacta nana)

Dwarf Golden Sawara Cypress-31