Olive (olea europaea "little ollie") Bonsai Trees Bonsais Indoor Tree Tolerant Olive Bonsai Plants

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Olive (olea europaea

Olive (olea europaea "little ollie")

Also known as Common Olive or European Olive. Silvery leaves and white bark make this a very interesting looking tree. This unique tree produces the edible olive that is also used to make olive oil. To encourage fruiting, keep at 35F for several weeks during winter. Olea are often used as shade trees or planted in groves. Produces flowers on second year's branch growth. Transplants best in summer. Tolerates poor soil, heat, drought and loves the sun. Excellent for indoors. 7 years old. 10" - 11" tall. Suitable 8"x6" humidity tray is recommended. To purchase add $3.50. Shipped via UPS 2-3 days - $12.95.