Yew (taxus baccata)
There are over 100 cultivars of the European Yew, this cultivar grows slowly in a columnuar fashion. The
seeds are borne in a fleshy red fruit and although they will, if fertile, germinate, they are best propagated by cuttings.
Yews are one of the few conifers that will readily produce buds on old wood which is a great advantage if you want to restyle
a tree. All bonsai styles suit the Yew. Indeed it's probably the only conifer to suit the broom style. 9 years old. 10"x8"x25".
Potted in a 10" blue/green ceramic rectangle container as shown. Suitable 14.5"x10.5" humidity tray is recommended. To purchase
add $11.95 (50% off regular price with tree order). Shipped via UPS ground - $59.95.