






Check out these free MP3's from Fauntleroy. Share these MP3 files with your friends, download them to your player, and
post them as background music on your non-commercial website. For commercial use of high quality CD master recordings contact

Fauntleroy will soon be emerging on the college radio and alternative radio scene as the exciting new sound, with influences
from decades of Rock 'n' Roll greats. Whether they play their original songs, or bring a new sound to classic tunes,
Fauntleroy is a band that will leave an impression. Seeing Fauntleroy live is witnessing the future of OC music today.
Be the first to hear the new Fauntleroy CD, coming out soon. Send us an E-mail and we will inform you when it is released.**
** Your e-mail will never be released to any third party. All e-mails from us will be regarding upcoming Fauntleroy concert
events and CD releases.








